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金沙检测线路js69学生申诉管理办法(修订) ​Regulations on Appeals of Students of HYIT(Revised)

发布者: [发表时间]:2018-03-14 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

第一条 为健全学生申诉处理制度,保证学校处理行为的客观、公正、准确、恰当,保障学生的合法权益,根据教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》等有关法律法规,结合学校实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称的申诉,是指学生对学校作出的取消入学资格、退学处理或违规、违纪处分决定不服提起的申诉。

第三条 本办法适用于我校全日制在籍研究生和本科生。

第四条 学生提出申诉应当以实事求是、履行义务、接受教育为原则;学校应当坚持公开、公正、实事求是和有错必纠的原则处理学生的申诉。

第五条 学校成立学生申诉处理委员会,申诉委员会由有关校领导、职能部门负责人、教师代表和学生代表等组成,组成人员必须是单数。申诉委员会主任由学校有关领导担任。

第六条 申诉委员会授权监察处受理学生的申诉。

第七条 学生对学校的处理或者处分决定有异议的,可以在接到学校处理或者处分决定书之日起10 日内,向监察处提出书面申诉。

第八条 申诉人可以委托申诉人的近亲属以及其他具有完全民事行为能力的人作为其申诉代理人。

第九条 学生提出申诉时,应当向申诉的受理机关递交申诉书,并附上学校作出的处分决定书或处理决定书。申诉书应当载明下列事项:





第十条 学生申诉材料不齐备,限期补正,过期不补正的视为撤回申诉。

第十一条 学生申诉处理委员会对决定予以受理的申诉在接到申诉申请书的15日内,作出复查结论并告知申诉人或其代理人。情况复杂不能在规定限期内作出结论的,学校负责人批准,可延长15 日。学生申诉处理委员会认为必要的,可以建议学校暂缓执行有关决定。

第十二条 处理申诉的形式一般采取书面审查方式,由申诉处理委员会对相关当事人进行询问,开展必要的查证。

第十三条 申诉委员会对于申诉案件,经过复查,按照下列情形分别处理:



第十四条 受理机关应当将复查决定及时送交申诉人或其代理人。送达方式可采取下列任何一种:申诉人或其代理人签收;按申诉书通讯地址邮寄。通过邮寄送交的,以回执上注明的收件日期为送达日期。

第十五条 在申诉期间,原处分或处理决定不停止执行。

第十六条 在学校未作出复查决定前,申诉人或其代理人可以书面形式撤回申诉。学生申诉处理委员会在接到关于撤回申诉的申请后,有权决定是否同意其撤回申诉。

第十七条 学生对复查决定有异议的,在接到学校复查决定书之日起15日内,可以向江苏省教育厅提出书面申诉。

第十八条 自处理、处分或者复查决定书送达之日起,学生在申诉期内未提出申诉的视为放弃申诉,学校或者省级教育行政部门不再受理其提出的申诉。

处理、处分或者复查决定书未告知学生申诉期限的,申诉期限自学生知道或者应当知道处理或者处分决定之日起计算,但最长不得超过6 个月。

第十九条 对在本校接受高等学历继续教育的学生、港澳台侨学生、留学生的管理,参照本规定执行。

第二十条 本办法自2017 9 1 日起施行,原《金沙检测线路js69学生申诉管理办法》(淮工院〔200556 号)同时废止。

第二十一条 本办法由学生工作处、研究生处负责解释。

Regulations on Appeals of Students of HYITRevised

Article 1 These regulations are established in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of students, according to Education Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Higher Education Law of Peoples Republic of China, Regulations on Administration of Students in Regular Higher Education Institutions (drafted by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China), in light of the actual conditions of the college, and other laws and legislation.

Article 2 Students may appeal when having objections to the Cancellation of Admission, De-registration, and Disciplinary Punishment.

Article 3 These Measures are applicable to all full-time registered graduate students and undergraduate students in our university.

Article 4 The students must make the appeal based facts, fulfilling obligations and receiving education. The school shall adhere to the principles of openness, impartiality, seeking truth from facts and correcting mistakes when necessary.

Article 5 The Student Appeal Committee of HYIT (SAC, for short) is set up and composed of school leaders, directors of the departments, representatives of the teachers and students. Members must be singular. A leader of the university serves as the director of ISATC.

Article 6 The grievance committee authorized the supervisory department to accept student complaints.

Article 7 If a student has any objection to the school's handling or punishment decision of the school, he may file a written appeal to the supervisory office within 10 days from the date of receiving the school's handling or punishment decision.

Article 8 The complainant may entrust the close relatives of the complainant and other persons with full civil capacity as his complaining agent.

Article 9 When a student makes an appeal, he shall submit a appeal to the accepting organ, and attach the punishment decision or processing decision made by the school. The appeal shall include:

(1) The name, class and school number of the complainant, the communication address and contact information of the complainant or his agent, and other basic information;

(2) Matters, reasons and requirements of the appeal;

(3) Date for the filing of the complaint;

(4) Signed or sealed by the complainant or his/her agent.

Article 10 The complaint materials are not complete, they should be supplemented and corrected within a time limit. Otherwise the complaint shall be deemed to be withdrawed.

Article 11 Within 15 days of receiving the petition, the Student Appeal Committee shall make a review conclusion and informed of the complainant or its agent. If the situation is complicated and a conclusion cannot be made within the prescribed time, the date may be extended by 15 days with the approval of the head of the school. If necessary, the Student Appeal Committee may recommend the school to suspend the decision.

Article 12 The form of handling appeals is generally in the form of written, and the Student Appeal Committee shall inquire the relevant parties and carry out necessary verification.

Article 13 The Student Appeal Committee shall handle the appeal cases separately according to the following circumstances after reviewing them:

(1) If the original treatment decision is correct, the original treatment decision shall be maintained;

(2) If the facts, basis and procedures of the original handling decision are improper, the relevant departments are required to study again; if the decision at the president’s office meeting is required, it shall be resubmitted to the president’s office meeting for study and decision.

Article 14 The accepting organ shall send the review decision to the complainant or his agent in time. Delivery may be made by either of the following: signed by the complainant or his agent; and mailed to the corresponding address of the complaint. If delivered by mail, the receipt date indicated on the receipt is the date of receipt.

Article 15 During the appeal, the original punishment or decision will not be suspended.

Article 16 The complainant or its agent may withdraw the complaint in written form before the school makes decisions for review. The Student Appeal Committee has the right to decide whether to approve its withdrawal of the complaint upon a petition.

Article 17 The appellants who have objections to the review decision may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the university's review decision, file a written appeal to the Department of Education of Jiangsu Province.

Article 18 If a student fails to appeal within the time limit for appeal upon the date of the service of disposal, punishment and review decision, he/she shall be deemed to give up the appeal, and the school or the provincial education administrative department shall no longer accept any appeal submitted by him.

If the student is not informed of the appeal period of the written decision on disposal, punishment or review, the appeal period shall be calculated from the date when the student knows or should know the disposal or punishment decision, but the maximum shall not exceed 6 months.

Article 19 Appeals of students receiving higher continuing education, students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and international students shall be handled according to the Measures..

Article 20 These Measures shall come into effect on September 1,2017, and the original Measures for the Administration of Student Complaints of Huaiyin Institute of Technology (No.56, 2005) shall be ceased at the same time.

Article 21 The Student Work Office and the Graduate Student Office shall be responsible for the interpretation.
