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金沙检测线路js69来华留学生日常行为规范 Behavior Norms of International Students of HYIT

发布者:金沙检测线路js69 [发表时间]:2018-02-21 [来源]:金沙检测线路js69 [浏览次数]:



1. 留学生应遵守中国法律法规,尊重他人宗教习俗。

2. 留学生如要庆祝本国重大节假日如:独立日等举行集会、游行等活动,需提前一周向金沙检测线路js69提出书面申请,征得同意后,方可在学校老师的组织下进行,违反者按学校及相关法律处理。

3. 保持宿舍楼道及宿舍内的清洁与卫生。出门前关闭所有电器电源,做到人走灯关,避免发生火情。并检查水龙头等是否关闭,做到节约用水。

4. 爱护校园的公共设施,爱护宿舍教室内的公共设施,损坏公共设施主动按实际价格赔偿,有意损坏公共设施5倍价钱赔偿。

5. 禁止在公共场所尤其是宿舍内大声播放音乐,以免影响他人的休息、学习及正常生活。

6. 禁止随意丢放垃圾,保持室外清洁的环境,做文明人,做文明事。

7. 禁止在校园、宿舍、教室内吸烟,不做有损自己及他人健康的事,要做文明的好学生。

8. 上课、考试、开会、听报告等活动要关掉手机,以示尊重他人、尊重自己。

9. 积极参加各种形式的文艺体育活动,为国家争光、为自己赢得荣誉。


1. 学生应该做到不旷课、不迟到、不早退。上课期间不得进入教室,可在课间进入教室,向老师说明迟到原因,并向老师表示歉意。

2. 开始上课前,所有学生应起立向老师致意问好,老师给予回应后方可坐下。

3. 学生主动协助老师做好课前课后的教学活动,听从老师安排,如:课前擦黑板、清理讲台。课后听从老师安排做好教室的清洁工作。

4. 学生应尊重老师,举手示意回答问题。不得穿拖鞋、吊带衫等服饰进入课堂。言行举止要文明礼貌。

5. 学生上课认真听讲,按时完成作业、实验报告和教师提出的各项要求。上课时应关闭手机、禁止说闲话、吃东西,不准看与此课无关的书籍、报纸或做其他课程的作业;未经老师同意不得擅自走动和出入。对严重影响课堂教学秩序者,教师有权要求其离开教室,并按旷课处理,并给与警告处分。

6. 教室内有人上课时,不得在门外大声讲话和喧哗,不得敲门、推门,更不得随意出入、找人、取物,如有违反给与警告处分。

7. 教学楼和教室内、禁止吸烟,禁止吵闹、喧哗,打扰他人上课或休息。自习时间亦同上要求,保持肃静,如有违反给与警告处分。

8. 私人书籍和用具不应留在教室内,要妥善保管,严禁占座,因为个人保管不善而丢失的物品,不予协助查找。

9. 教室只作为上课及自习之用,不得作为他用。使用时要保持清洁,不得乱扔纸屑、瓜果皮核,严禁随地吐痰。违反上述规定者,给与警告处分,不听劝阻者将处以一定的罚款,用来清理教室。

10. 课上同学之间互相尊重不同国家、不同民族间的宗教信仰,不得在课上打架、争吵、挑衅,影响老师的正常授课。


1. 凡是利用假期(包括寒暑假、法定节假日)离开学校外出者,需到金沙检测线路js69填写假期去向表。一年累计2次不填写者,将无资格参加奖学金的评定并给与相应处分。

2. 在校期间,不经管理老师批准不得随意离校。因故离校须事先请假,获准后方可离校。


4. 因事请假应事先写好请假条,经留学生管理科批准后方为有效,不得临时口头请假。因事请假,一天之内的,可通过班长向任课教师请假并报告辅导员老师;请假一周以内的,需填写申请表并需出具相关证明,报金沙检测线路js69批准;连续一周以上,须向金沙检测线路js69提出书面报告,报分管校领导签字批准;凡未请假而缺课者均以旷课论处。

5. 留学生在一学期内请事假累计不得超过一个月。

6. 留学生请假获准后,须按时销假。如需续假,应提出书面申请,办理续假手续。

7. 留学生未请假或请假未获准而擅自离校,或假期期满不按时返校,或续假未获准而逾期不归,均按旷课论处。对旷课的留学生,依据《金沙检测线路js69来华留学生违纪处分条例》的有关规定处理。

8. 因各种原因不能参加考试的留学生请务必在考试前提出书面申请。未能参加正常考试且未经申请者,不能参加奖学金评定。


1. 礼貌待人,尊敬师长,见到老师后要主动问好。

2. 进入他人房间要先敲门,得到允许后方可进入。

3. 乘坐公共汽车、电车时,要遵守乘车规定主动刷卡或投币,遇到老人、小孩主动让座。

4. 进入公共场所如:会议室、乘车、教室、走廊、候车室等地时严禁吸烟、大声喧哗,要保持安静。

5. 对人说话礼貌,尊重每一个人。不得对他人进行侮辱、挑衅、谩骂,不做侮辱他人人格的事。

6. 爱护公共场所的公共设施,损坏公共设施要照价赔偿。

7. 请自觉遵守社会规范,乘车、购物、银行取钱、交纳各种费用时请主动排队。

8. 进入会场听报告、演讲、参加演出时做文明观众,不大声叫喊、打口哨、说脏话。

9. 如果遇到危及人身、财产及生命安全的紧急情况,可拨打紧急求助电话110求助。非紧急情况可以拨打学校管理老师的电话求助,无故拨打求助电话者将按中国法律及学校有关规定处理。

Behavior Norms of International Students of HYIT

In order to strengthen the management of International students, we make this specification according to the Code of Conduct of Students in Colleges and Universities made by the Ministry of Education, combined with the actual situation in our school. This specification is the fundamental basis for the daily education and management of students in the school. It is a basic requirement and action guide for the study, life and other activities of the students.

Section 1 Campus Norms

Article 1 International students must obey Chinese laws and regulations, and respect others’ religious practices.

Article 2 The important celebration such as assembly and pageant for Independence Day of homeland may be held under organization of the teachers and with the permission. Please note the written application should be submitted to School of International Education one week in advance.

Article 3 Keep the dorm clean. Turn off the entire switch to avoid the fire when leaving. Close up water faucet to save water.

Article 4 Treasure the facility in dorm and campus. Pay the compensation if you damage it, and pay 5 multiples of the compensation for the spiteful purpose.

Article 5 Any loud noise include music is forbidden in public (especially in dorm) for fear to affect others regular life and study.

Article 6 Keep a clean environment outside the room, forbidden to throw garbage outside.

Article 7 No smoking in campus, dorm and classroom.

Article 8 Turn off cell phone during class, examination and meetings, etc.

Article 9 Participate in various activities actively.

Section 2 The Behavior Criterion in Classroom

Article 1 Students should not be absent, late, or leave early. The latecomer cannot go into the classroom during the class, he or she may go into the classroom during the break, and explain the reason and apologize to the teacher.

Article 2 All students should stand up and regard to the teacher before the class, then sit down after the teachers response.

Article 3 Students should assist teachers on their own initiative to erase blackboard, clean up dais before class, and clean up classroom after class.

Article 4 Students should regard teachers and raise their hands to answer the questions. Students should dress decently. Do not wear sun-top and slippers in classroom. The words and deeds should be polite.

Article 5 Students must be serious-minded in class and finish schoolwork, experiment report and each request by teachers on schedule. Turn off cell phone during class. No claver during class. No dine and wine during class. Forbid reading books and newspapers or schoolwork that is irrespective with the class. Forbid going around, in and out the classroom without teachers permission. Teachers have the right to ask the student who disturbs the class to be off the classroom as absenteeism, and give the student warning punishment.

Article 6 Warning punishments are judged for these violators who make big noises outside the classroom during a class, and call on somebody, in and out to fetch something at will.

Article 7 Warning punishments are judged for these violators who smoke and make hullabaloo in the teaching building and classroom even if in the study time.

Article 8 The private books and things should not be left in classrooms in order to occupy the seats, no assistant to lockup these lost things.

Article 9 The other purpose cannot use classroom except class or study. Warning punishments are judged for these violators who spit or throw garbage in classroom, and someone who do not accept the dissuasion will be asked to pay for the amercement which cost for the classroom cleaning.

Article 10 Students should respect different faith and be forbidden to fight, dispute, and defiance during class.

Section 3 Leave Notice

Article 1 Students, who wants to travel or go out during winter vacation, or summer vacation, or spring break, or autumn break, must fill in Vacation Outgoing Form in School of International Education. The qualifications of the scholarship candidate are canceled and the punishments are judged for the students who refuse to fill in Vacation Outgoing Form for two times during one academic year.

Article 2 Students cannot leave school without the permission of school during the period of schooling.

Article 3 Except for emergency cases, sick leave permissions require a certification provided by the College hospital in advance. For a sick leave within one day, the students can let the monitor ask the class teacher for leave and report to the administrative teacher and fill in a leave paper. The administrative teacher may approve the sick leave no more than 7 days, and the students should fill in the application and submit the certificate of diagnosis of hospital. The principal of HYIT who is in charge of the management of overseas students may approve the sick leave over one week, on the basic agreement from the School of International Education, and the application should attach the certificate of diagnosis of hospital. International students who are absent from class without permission will be regarded as absenteeism.

Article 4 For a business leave, a written request is necessary. The request is valid after the approval of the International Student Management Division and temporary oral request is not allowed. For a business leave within one day, the students can let the monitor ask the class teacher for leave and report to the administrative teacherand fill in a leave paper. The School of International Education may approve the business leave of 2 to 7 days, and the student should fill in the application and submit the certificate. For a business leave of over one week, a written report shall be submitted to the School of International Education and approved by the principal of HYIT who is in charge of the management of overseas students for signature. International students who are absent from class without permission will be regarded as absenteeism.

Article 5 The total days of the private affair leave cannot go beyond the limit of one month during one semester.

Article 6 The private affair leave should be spent and return back on schedule. Extending the leave should be in written application.

Article 7 Punishments are judged as absenteeism for these students who leave school without leave application or permission, do not return back to school when the leave expires or without the permission for the application to extend leave. The absenteeism student is punished according to HYIT Discipline Punishment Criterion for International Students.

Article 8 Students must ask for leave in written application before examination when some reasons cause your absence in the examination. The qualifications of the scholarship candidate are canceled for these students who are absent in the regular examination and without the application.

Section 4 Convenance Norms

Article 1 Good manner and regard to teachers.

Article 2 Knock the door and come into the room with the permission.

Article 3 Take bus or tramp with ticket. Give seat to elder or kid.

Article 4 No smoking and keep quiet in the public: assembly room, bus, classroom, aisle, and waiting room.

Article 5 Regard everyone without insult, defiance and vituperation.

Article 6 Treasure public establishment and pay the compensation if you damage it.

Article 7 Stand in a line: waiting for bus, shopping, bank etc.

Article 8 Be a polite audience without hue, whistle, dirty word and jargon.

Article 9 Dial 110 to ask for the help in the urgency circumstance of the security of life and property. Ask for help from administrative teacher in non-emergency situation. The students who dial 110 for non-emergency situation will get punishment according to Chinese laws and regulations of school.
