第一条 不得利用宿舍从事违反中国法律及学校校规的活动。禁止在宿舍内组织宗教集会活动。
第二条 新生入学凭入学通知书、住宿费缴款单和本人有效证件(护照、居留许可)办理住宿手续,领取钥匙,按指定的宿舍入住。不得私自迁移、调换房间或多占家具设备。
第三条 留学生原则上两人或四人住一间房,学校不提供夫妇住宿条件。因特殊原因要求住单人间者,须向留学生管理科提出书面申请,获得批准后,留学生应自批准之日起一周内,一次性交清本学年单人间费用后方可调房;
第四条 住宿学生应养成良好的卫生习惯,自觉维护宿舍场所的卫生,积极参加“文明寝室”评比活动。做到铺面整洁、地面、墙面干净;椅子、水瓶、脸盆等物品摆放整齐;所有张贴物可用透明胶、图钉固定,不得使用胶水和钉子,家具上不得张贴挂钩;窗台、墙角无灰尘,地面干净不堆放各类杂物;每天打扫房间,垃圾一律倒在垃圾筐内,及时倾倒纸篓;不在室内拉绳晾晒衣物,不得向室外、走廊、窗外处吐痰、倒水、丢果皮、纸屑等垃圾,不得将鞋、杂物等堆放在门口或公寓走廊上。禁止在宿舍内和走廊上存放各类自行车。禁止在宿舍楼内饲养动物。
第五条 自觉遵守作息时间,按时起床、就寝。禁止夜不归宿,晚间23点后不许外出;晚归人员必须到值班室登记,说明晚归原因。遵守会客制度,在规定的时间内会客,不得留客过夜,晚上9点前,访客必须离开宿舍。
第六条 应主动服从并配合管理人员查房和清点人数的工作,如出现夜不归宿情况的要及时向管理人员报告。
第七条 树立安全用电意识与节约用电的习惯,离开宿舍应关好门窗、切断照明和用电设备电源。严禁在室内私拉、乱接电线,严禁使用违章电器(热得快、电饭锅、电烤箱、电水壶、电热毯、取暖器、酒精炉等),以防发生短路、触电、火灾等事故。管理人员随时对宿舍进行安全用电检查,违反者除没收违章电器外,并依据情节处以罚款与相应的纪律处分。
第八条 学生公寓内禁止出现任何危及公寓安全和危害学生自身安危的行为,如在楼内烧纸、打球、酗酒、卧床吸烟、赌博、经商等,其它的不安全行为也严禁发生,否则后果自负。
第九条 遵守防火规定,爱护消防器材,严防火灾,室内禁止存放易燃易爆物品。
第十条 学生在公寓内安装、使用计算机及网络,应遵守与之相关的条例和法规。
第十一条 爱护公共财物,不得损坏、拆卸、改装宿舍楼内设备,损坏或遗失公物须赔偿。
第十二条 学校为每个房间宿舍内配备的设备和设施,如桌凳、橱柜、床、空调、水池等,如有丢失和损坏,由住宿学生自费维修或购置。学习期满或中途退学时,上述物品应完好交还。
第十三条 保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习与休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、高声播放音乐等。
第十四条 严格禁止男女生同居。违反者将被记入档案并予以相应的处分。
第十五条 留学生公寓的活动室、洗衣间和公共厨房为公用区域,学生须保持公共区域的整洁,并应妥善使用公用设施。
第十六条 学校为每位留学生每月免费提供4吨水和8度电的用量,超出部分,则按学校的收费标准计收,由学生支付。
第十七条 原则上不允许自行在校外居住。
第十八条 对因毕业、休学、退学或开除学籍者,自学校相关部门发出通知起一周内或学校通知规定的离校期内,必须办理退宿手续并离开宿舍,逾期室内遗留物作无主处理。
第十九条 因出国、出差、外出实习、探亲及其它原因离开宿舍在三天以上,必须履行请假手续并到值班室登记。
第二十条 由于宿舍统一安排或维修等工作的需要,对学生宿舍进行调整时,入住人员应积极配合不得以任何理由或借口妨碍宿舍安排。
第二十一条 人人都要尊重管理人员劳动,不得阻挠管理人员执行公务。凡校内住宿者必须遵守以上有关规定,对违反规定以及不服从管理者,管理人员有权给予批评教育、处分、甚至取消住宿资格。
第二十二条 学生寝室内务卫生情况的好坏、个人在公寓内的言行举止与学校评优、评奖直接挂钩。
第二十三条 本规定由金沙检测线路js69负责解释。
Regulations on Accommodations of International Students of HYIT
International student dormitories are for living and study and therefore should be kept clean, quiet and safe in order to contribute to a pleasant living and study environment. All International students are requested to observe the following regulations:
Article 1 International students should not be involved in illegal activities which violate either Chinese law or school regulations. It is forbidden to organize religious gathering activities in dormitory.
Article 2 New students shall go through the procedures of accommodation and receive access cards with the admission notices, receipts for accommodation fees and valid documents (passport, residence permit) Students must live in the appointed rooms. Changing rooms without permission or over-occupying furniture is not allowed.
Article 3 Two or four International students share one dorm. No dorms are provided for couples. International student who demands living alone for some special reason should apply to Student Affairs Office in written from and, if permitted, is allowed to move to a separate room only after paying off his prior room charges in one lump sum.
Article 4 The Students on campus are expected to form good hygienic habits, keep the room clean, and actively participate in the appraisal of civilized dormitories. Rooms should be kept clean and tidy, including the walls, beds, desktops and furniture; the articles, such as chairs, thermos bottles, basins, shoes and so on, should be kept in good order. Posters can be fixed by transparent adhesive tape or drawing pins, glue and nails cannot be used; it is forbidden to stick hooks on the furniture. The windowsills and corners are kept clean; the floor should be clean of odds and ends. Students should clean the room every day, deposit trash in rubbish containers, and empty them in time. Students should not tie a rope to hang the clothes in the room; they should not spit, pour water, toss rind, paper and so on out of the room, on the corridor or outside the window; they should not put shoes or odds and ends at the entrance or the corridors. Residents are not permitted to keep bicycles and E- bicycles in the rooms and corridors. Pets are not allowed in the dormitory.
Article 5 International students should follow the schedule, getting up and going to bed on schedule, and keeping quiet in the dormitory. After blackout at night, the residents who come back late should register at the duty room and explain the reasons. International students should observe the regulations for visitors and meet guests within the stipulated time. Guests are not allowed to enter and stay in the dormitory.
Article 6 International students should be voluntarily compliant and cooperative with managerial personnel to check dorms and count the number of International students. For the occurrence of night out, reports should be made to the management in time.
Article 7 Residents should use the electricity safely and foster the habit of saving electricity. Make sure to close the doors and windows, and cut off the power of all the electric appliances before leaving. It is forbidden to connect wires without permission and use the unapproved electric appliances (i.e. instant water-heater, electric cooker, electric oven,electric pot, electric blanket, heater, and alcohol heater), for the purpose of preventing circuit break, electric shock and fire. The administrators can inspect the dormitory for the safety at any time. Violators shall get their appliances confiscated and will be fined and given the corresponding disciplinary punishment according to the severity of the violation.
Article 8 Actions detrimental to the security of the apartment or endangering students safety are forbidden, such as burning paper, playing a ball game, drinking excessively, smoking in bed, gambling, doing business and so on. Other unlisted dangerous actions are also forbidden; otherwise the residents should take the consequence themselves.
Article 9 Observe fire regulations all the time. Combustibles and explosive substances are not allowed in the dorms. Fire fighting equipment must be protected and maintained in good order. Every International student should consciously prevent fires.
Article 10 Students who install and use the computer and network in the apartment should obey the relevant laws and regulations on the computer and network.
Article 11 Public property should be well cared for. Equipment should not be damaged, dismantled or tampered with in any way. Any damage or missing should be compensated.
Article 12 The University supplies equipment in each dorm to every International student (desk, chair, bed and bedding, air conditioner etc.) These are under the care of the International student living in the dorm. If any damage or missing occurred, the International student should pay for it. The International student should return all things in good condition at the end of the semester or after termination of study.
Article 13 Quiet should be maintained in the dorms. International students are not allowed to disturb others study or rest, for example, dancing, loud music, late parties, shouting, etc.
Article 14 International students of opposite sex are prohibited to live together.
Article 15 The student apartment room, laundry room and the shared kitchen, students are required to maintain the cleanliness of the public areas, and should be properly use of public facilities.
Article 16 The University supplies 4 tons of water and 8 kilowatt of electricity monthly to every International student for free, stuedents should pay for the usage beyond the free part according to the charging standard.
Article 17 Students living off campus without permission are not allowed in principle.
Article 18 Residents who graduate, suspend schooling, withdraw or dismissed should go through the procedures of check-out and move out of the dormitory within one week after the notice is issued by the related department(s) or in the specified time on the notice. The remaining belongings will be regarded ownerless beyond the time limit and the university has the right to handle them.
Article 19 Residents who leave the dormitory more than 3 days for going abroad, going on a mission, field work, visiting relatives and so on should ask for leave formalities and register at the duty room.
Article 20 When the Service Center makes an overall adjustment to the student dormitories in case of a general arrangement or repair, the residents should be cooperative and should not disturb the dormitory arrangement on any excuse.
Article 21 Everyone should respect the work of the administrators and should not trouble the administrator who is on duty. Residents living on campus should obey the above-mentioned regulations. For those violating the regulations and disobeying the administration, the administrators have the right to criticize, punish them, or even deprive the right of accommodation.
Article 22 The hygienic conditions of the dormitory and the personal behaviors at the dormitory are linked to the appraisal and awards of the university.
Article 23 School of International Education is responsible for the interpretation of the details in these regulations.