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关于加强宿舍区噪音管理的规定 Regulations on Noise Control in Dormitories

发布者:金沙检测线路js69 [发表时间]:2019-03-18 [来源]: [浏览次数]:





Regulations on Noise Control in Dormitories

In order to deepen the friendship among students, SIE allows students living on campus to organize a number of social events in their dormitories, and most go off without any problem. However, occasionally things go wrong causing damage to student rooms and serious inconvenience to other students. According to article 13 of "Regulations on Accommodations of International Students of HYIT", SIE will take active steps to address noise issues caused by students.

Unreasonable noise (including noise of birthday parties, gathering and music etc.) from a student room can be reported to SIE (room number, student name, time, etc.).  Students who make noise and affect others will get corresponding punishment according to the following regulation:

1st time, verbal warning; 2nd time, notice of criticism; 3rd time, warning and cancellation of the semi-annual HYIT Scholarship for Excellent International Students; 4th time, serious warning and cancellation of the annual HYIT Scholarship for Excellent International Students; 5th time, demerit record and cancellation of all HYIT Scholarship for Excellent International Students.
