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交通学院:Ahmed Aboud

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-04-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Ahmed Aboud

Personal information(个人基本信息)


Tel: +86 13016567725

Email: aaaaboud@hyit.edu.cn

Office: Room 207, Building 24, Meichenglu Campus, Huaiyin Institute of Technology.

Education & Experience (教育工作经历)

2017Now; Associate Prof., Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

2013 – 2016; Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Military Technical College, Egypt

2010 – 2013; Ph.D., Beijing Institute of Technology, China

2004 – 2010; Lecturer and Researcher, Military Technical College, Egypt

1997 – 2003; Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Military Technical College, Egypt

Research Fields(主要研究领域)

Dr. Ahmed’s current research interests mainly lie in the fields of vehicle powertrain and Internal combustion engines. He has conducted and completed five projects in the field of internal combustion engines three of them are funded by the Egyptian ministry of defense and three projects in the field of vehicle powertrain (Conventional and Hybrid) two of them are funded by the Egyptian ministry of defense. He has published three papers as the first author.

Selected Publications(主要科研成果)

1. “Using Design of Experiment and Genetic Algorithm to obtain the optimum Gear shifting strategy for a real driving cycles”; Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 224 (2012).

2. “Finding the Optimum Driver Behavior for a Heavy Truck with Manual Transmission Using GT-Drive”; ICAMECE 2012 , Pattaya, Thailand.

3. “Investigation of the optimum differential gear ratio for real driving cycles by experiment design and genetic algorithm”; Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2015 Volume (1).
