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常见问答 FAQ about Admissions

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-03-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Q1: 申请金沙检测线路js69学习,需要邮寄纸质申请材料吗?

Do I have to mail the Hard Copy of my application documents to Huaiyin Institute of Technology?

A: 不需要,所有申请只需网上申请即可。

No, you don't. You only need to complete your online application.

Q2: 金沙检测线路js69的来华留学生授课模式是怎样的?

What is the training mode of Huaiyin Institute of Technology for international students?

A: 金沙检测线路js69来华留学生培养采用“插班教学”模式,即进入专业学习的留学生与同专业、同年级中国学生班级合班学习。

International students will join Chinese students' class for relevant major study.

Q3: 我申请读研究生,我的本科专业是国际经济与贸易,我可以申请哪些研究方向?

I am applying for a master's program. My undergraduate program is international economics and trade. What research fields can I apply for?

A: 交通运输规划与管理、运输经济管理、农业经济管理

 Transportation Planning and Management, Transportation Economic Management, Agricultural Economic Management.

Q4: 我申请读研究生,一定需要导师接收函吗?接收函在哪里可以下载?

Do I have to have an acceptance letter from my prospective supervisor to apply for your master degree programs? Where could I download the blank form of the acceptance letter?

A: 导师接收函不是必要申请材料。部分学生提前获得《金沙检测线路js69研究生导师接收外国留学生意向表》(下载网址:/info/1137/2668.htm)可作为参考意见,但与录取没有直接关系。学生报到后,学校会为每位研究生协调分配导师。

The Tutor Acceptance Letter is not a required application material. Some students have obtained the "Huaiyin Institute of Technology Graduate Supervisors Intent to Accept Foreign Students" (download website: /info/1137/2668.htm) in advance, which can be used as a reference, but it is not directly related to admission. relation. After students register, the school will coordinate the assignment of supervisors for each student.

Q5: 如何获得预录取通知书?

How to get a pre-admission notice?

A: 学生在 https://hyit.at0086.cn/student 提交申请,通过我校材料初审、面试考核后方可获得预录取通知书。

Students submit application materials at https://hyit.at0086.cn/student, and can obtain the pre-admission notice only after passing school preliminary examinationand interview assessment of our school.

Q6: 我在其他学校学习,可否转入金沙检测线路js69学习?

I am studying in another school, can I transfer to Huaiyin Institute of Technology?

A: 我校原则上不接收除“专转本”生以外的转学生。

In principle, HYIT does not accept transfer students other than those who want to upgrade from junior college.

Q7: 贵校的奖学金政策是怎样的?如果我获得了新生奖学金A类奖学金,第二年我是不是可以同等的奖学金?入校时我如果获得B类奖学金,第二年我是否可以获得A类奖学金?

How about your school's scholarships? If I get the freshman scholarship type A, can I get the same scholarship in the second year? If I get the freshman scholarship type B, can I get an type A scholarship in the second year?

A: 新生奖学金只针对第一年入校的新生,在校学习一年后重新评定奖学金类别,根据第一年的学习情况决定你获得A类或B类奖学金。此外,入校第二年起还可以申请“留学江苏政府奖学金”、“金沙检测线路js69优秀来华留学生奖学金”、“金沙检测线路js69留学生奖学金”。

The new student scholarship is only for the freshmen who enter the school in the first year. After studying in the school for one year, the scholarship category will be re-assessed, and you will be awarded a type A or type B scholarship according to your first year of study. In addition, after one-year study, students can apply for the Jiangsu Provincial Government Scholarship, the Excellent International Student Scholarship of Huaiyin Institute of Technology and the International Student Scholarship of the School of International Education of Huaiyin Institute of Technology.

Q8: 贵校的银行汇款方式是什么?

What is the bank accounts information of HYIT?

A: 我校银行汇款信息如下:

Bank accounts information of HYIT is as follows:

金沙检测线路js69账户1 (人民币汇款)




Huaiyin Institute of Technology Account 1 (RMB remittance only)

Account Name: Huaiyin Institute of Technology

Deposit Bank: Zhongbei sub-branch of Huaian Branch of China Construction Bank

Account Number: 32001724236051451171





收款人账号: 536568825651


Huaiyin Institute of Technology Account 2 (USD remittance only)

Account Name: Huaiyin Institute of Technology

Deposit Bank: Bank of China Huaian Branch

Add: No.9 north Huaihai Road, Huai’an, Jiangsu, China

Account Number: 536568825651

Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ940
