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相关费用 Fees for Studying at HYIT (RMB)

发布者: [发表时间]:2021-09-01 [来源]: [浏览次数]:
序号 收费项目 收费标准
1 报名费 400/人(通过网上申请平台在线支付,不退还
2 学费

本科生 10500//年(文科


3 教材费 800//年(报到后自付)
4 住宿费 双人间:2600-3000//单人间:4000-6000//
5 预交学费 3000元(预录取后支付,入学后抵消相应的住宿费和杂费)
6 综合医疗保险 600//


Fees for Studying at HYIT (RMB)

1. Registration fee: 400 yuan/person (Online payment through the online application platform, no refund)

2. Tuition:

For Undergraduate Programs:

        10,500 yuan/person/year (liberal arts)

        15,000 yuan/person/year (science and engineering)

For Postgraduate Programs:

20,000 yuan/person/year

3. Teaching materials: 800 yuan/person/year (Self-payment after registration)

4. Accommodation fee: 2600-3000 yuan/person/year (double room),

                                     4000-6000 yuan/person/year (single room).

5. Pre-payment of tuition: 3000 yuan/person/year (Pay after pre-admission, and offset the corresponding accommodation after admission Fees and miscellaneous fees)

6. Comprehensive medical insurance: 600 yuan /person/year

Note: The physical examination fee is about 350 yuan, and students pay by themselves during the physical examination.
