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2024年来华留学生招生申请流程 Application Procedure and Admission (SUSPENDED)

发布者: [发表时间]:2024-03-11 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

1. 学校初审

2. 参加学校面试考核

3. 发放预录取通知书

4. 预交学费3000元 (在规定时间内缴纳,如超期未支付,则视为放弃)

5. 发放正式录取通知书与《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)

6. 在规定时间来校报到 (每年9月,具体日期以录取通知书为准)



1. School preliminary examination

2. Participate in the interview and assessment

3. Issue the pre-admission notice

4. Pay the pre-payment of tuition (3000RMB) within the specified date (If overdue, it will be deemed waived)

5. Issue formal Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Foreign Students in China (Form JW202)

6. Register at the school at the specified time (in September of each year, the specific date is subject to the admission notice)

