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硕士生项目申请要求 Application Requirements for Postgraduate Programs (SUSPENDED)

发布者: [发表时间]:2024-03-11 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

1. 申请人须为持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民。原中国大陆、港澳台公民,须持有效外国护照或国籍证明文件4 () 以上,且最近4 (截止入学年度的430日前) 之内有国外实际居住2年以上的记录 (一年中实际在国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)

2. 本科阶段学习成绩优秀,达到毕业条件的优秀应届本科毕业生或已取得学士学位的往届本科毕业生。

3. 语言要求:

(1) 全英文授课专业申请人须具备IELTS 5.5分及以上、TOEEL75分及以上或提供其他英语能力证明。前置课程实行全英文授课的,免以上英语能力证明,需提供授课语言为英语的相关证明;母语为英语的申请人免以上英语能力证明。

(2) 汉语授课专业申请人须具备HSK4以上水平。如果没有达到HSK4级,申请人可以申请参加学校汉语课程学习。

4. 申请人年龄一般不超过35周岁,身心健康,品行端正。

5. 申请人自愿遵守中国的法律、法规和学校的规章制度,知华友华,未受到任何法律和纪律处分

6. 入学报到前,未能取得本科毕业证和学士学位证的应届本科生,其入学资格自动取消。



1. The applicant must be a non-Chinese citizen holding a valid foreign passport. The original citizens of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan must hold a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for more than 4 years (inclusive), and have a record of actual residence abroad for more than 2 years within the last 4 years (before April 30 of the enrollment year) (Actually living abroad for 9 months in a year can be counted as one year, subject to entry and exit signatures).

2. Applicants should be excellent current undergraduate graduates who have good academic achievements in the undergraduate stage and meet the graduation conditions or should be previous undergraduate graduates who have obtained a bachelor’s degree.

3. Language requirements

(1) For English-instruction programs, applicants must have IELTS 5.5 or above, TOEFL 75 or above or other equivalent English proficiency certificate. If the pre-courses use English as the medium of instruction, the above certificates of English proficiency are not required, but relevant certificate that the teaching language is English shall be provided. For applicants whose native language is English, certificates of English proficiency as mentioned above are not required.

(2) For Chinese-instruction programs, applicants should have HSK 4 or above certificate. If without HSK4, applicants may attend Chinese language courses at this university.

4. The applicant shall not be older than 35, physically and mentally healthy, and well behaved.

5. The applicant should voluntarily abide by Chinese laws, regulations and school rules and regulations, know China and love China and have not been subject to any disciplinary action or criminal punishment.

6. The admission qualification of current undergraduate students who fail to obtain the undergraduate diploma and bachelor's degree certificate before enrollment and registration will be automatically cancelled.
