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专业介绍:园艺(本科)Horticulture (Undergraduate)

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-03-30 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

I. 培养目标 Objectives


In order to meet the socialist modernization, local economic and social development needs of the Belt and Road countries, this subject is designed to cultivate students with all-round development (moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetics), and innovative entrepreneurship and social responsibility. Students should master the basic theories, knowledge and skills on cultivation, breeding and protection of horticultural plants, and obtain the abilities to produce, manage, apply and research horticultural plants. The graduates will be engaged in the production and operation, technological development, science and technology extension related to horticulture crops. This subject will provide practical ability and innovative sense for students from the Belt and Road countries, so they can grow into the applied talents in modern and efficient horticulture.

II. 培养要求 Requirements



Students need to systematically learn the knowledge of modern and efficient horticulture including high efficiency cultivation techniques for horticultural crops, agricultural biotechnology and molecular breeding, postharvest physiology and preservation, and utilization of horticultural plant resources. the basic theories and knowledge on Biochemistry, Microbiology.

The students should acquire the following knowledge, capabilities and qualities before graduating from this major.

1. 具有良好的职业道德、追求卓越的态度、较强的社会责任感和较好的人文素养。

Graduates should be able to understand and abide by professional ethics, have a positive attitude, possess humanity and social science accomplishment and social responsibilities.

2. 具有从事园艺作物生产与管理工作所需的技术研发、科技推广、生产经营的基本技能,较强的创新精神和创业能力。

Graduates should have creative spirit, innovation ability and basic skills on the production and operation, technological development, science and technology extension related to horticultural crops.


Graduates should master basic theories, knowledge and skills on cultivation, breeding and processing of horticultural crops. Moreover, graduates should understand the current situation and trend of the development of this major.


Graduates should be familiar with relevant technical standard, national laws and policies on horticulture.


Graduates should have good quality, safety, efficiency, environment, occupational health and service sence.


Graduates should have ability to identify, analyze and solve practical problems in production.


Graduates should have the initial capacity to engage in process development and design, technological transformation with a great sense of innovation.


Graduates should be able to pick up information, have willingness to learn new skills and international communication ability.


Graduates should have good organization and management skills, strong communication, environment adaptability and teamwork ability.


Graduates should have preliminary ability to deal with crises and emergencies


Graduates should be able to communicate in cross-cultural contexts with international perspective.


Graduates should establish stable career objectives and obtain the awareness and ability to study independently and perpetually.

III. 学位 Degree


Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.S.A.)
