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专业介绍:交通运输(本科)Transportation Engineering (Undergraduate)

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-03-30 [来源]: [浏览次数]:
I. 培养目标 Objectives
经过四年的专业学习,学生能够掌握交通运输专业的基本理论和方法,熟悉交通运 输规划、运输组织与调度、交通运输经济、道路工程、运输行业管理等知识。具备将所 学基础知识应用到交通运输管理实践中去的能力,具有团队精神和领导能力、终身学习 和创新能力、国际化视野和新环境适应能力,成为交通运输管理领域的高素质应用型人 才。
After four-academic-year (Fall and Spring Semesters) study, students can learn basic  theories and methodologies on Transportation Engineering, and be familiar with basic  knowledge including transportation planning, transportation organization and scheduling,  transportation economics, road engineering and transportation industry management. Students  have the ability to master the professional basic principle and technical methods and put them  into practical use on Transportation Engineering. Moreover, all graduates also have team spirit  and leadership ability, life-long learning and innovation ability, international vision and the  ability to adapt new environment. Students will become high-quality and applied talents in the  field of Transportation Engineering.
II. 培养要求 Requirements
能够掌握交通运输专业的基本理论知识,学习运输规划、组织、和管理等方面的基 本方法,并强调学生基础知识的掌握和动手能力的培养。
Students should master the basic theories and knowledge on Transportation Engineering  including transportation planning, transportation organization and transportation management,  the focus should be on the grasp of basic knowledge and the training of practice ability.
毕业生将掌握: Graduates are required to acquire:
1. 具有较宽的学科背景和综合素养,掌握本专业所需的数学、自然科学、工程基础、 专业知识,并能够将其综合运用于解决交通运输领域复杂工程问题。
Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,  transportation engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to the solution of  complex transportation engineering problems.
具有逻辑思维能力、系统思维能力及创新能力,具有发现问题的能力,能够应用数 学、自然科学和工程科学的基本原理,识别、表达、并通过文献研究分析客货运营组织、 港站枢纽规划与设计、运输安全管理等复杂交通运输工程问题,以获得有效结论。
Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex transportation  engineering problems, reaching to substantiated conclusions using basic principles of  mathematics, science, and engineering.
3. 掌握交通运输专业基本理论和基本知识,能够设计针对交通运输工程复杂问题的 解决方案,设计满足运输需求的系统、运输组织工艺流程,并能够在设计环节中体现创 新意识,考虑社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素。
Design / Development Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex transportation  engineering problems and innovatively design systems, components or process that meet  specific needs with societal, public health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental  considerations.
4. 能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法,运用交通运输的组织技术与规划方法对复杂 交通运输工程问题进行研究,包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合 理有效的结论。
Research: An ability to conduct investigations of complex transportation engineering  problems based on scientific theories and adopting scientific methods including design of  experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid  conclusions.
5. 掌握交通运输系统仿真、交通运输信息管理的方法和技术,能够针对复杂交通运 输工程问题,开发、选择与使用计算机相关软件及仿真技术对交通运输工程问题的预测 与模拟,并能够理解其局限性。
Applying Modern Tools: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques,  resources, and modern transportation engineering and IT tools, including prediction and  modelling, to complex transportation engineering activities, with an understanding of the  limitations.
6. 能够基于交通运输工程相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价运输工程实践和复杂交 通运输工程问题解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的 责任。
Engineering and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge  to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities  relevant to professional transportation engineering practice.
7. 能够理解和评价针对运输组织和交通运输系统规划对环境、社会可持续发展的影 响。
Environment and Sustainable Development: An ability to understand and evaluate the  impact of professional engineering solutions in environmental and societal contexts and  demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
8. 爱国守法,具有人文社会科学素养和社会责任感,能够在交通运输工程实践中理 解并遵守职业道德规范,履行相应的责任。
Professional Standards: An understanding of humanity science and social responsibility,  being able to understand and abide by professional ethics and standards responsibly in  transportation engineering practice.
9. 能够在多学科背景下,在交通运输工程实践的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负 责人的角色。
Individual and Teams: An ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member  or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
10. 能够就复杂交通运输工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括 撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够 在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。
Communication: An ability to communicate effectively on complex transportation  engineering problems with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being  able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective  presentations, give and receive clear instructions, and communicate in cross-cultural contexts  with international perspective.
11. 理解并掌握交通运输工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。
Project Management: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of transportation  engineering management principles and methods of economic decision-making, to function in  multidisciplinary environments.
12. 具有自主学习和终身学习的意识,有不断学习和适应发展的能力。
Lifelong Learning: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in independent  and life-long learning with the ability to learn continuously and adapt to new developments.
III. 学位 Degree
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
